Saturday 19 June 2010

Shooting from different angle

Thanks to the power of internet, all the blogs and free resources on it. I have been picking up a lot of photography technique a little bit from here and there. I'm running a blog also, and I think I can also contribute something to the community, so here you are a little tip to help make an interesting photograph.

Here is a series of 3 photos. Can you tell what they have in common?

Lunch @ Hiroshima

From a restaurant in Hiroshima during lunch time

Apple Store Ginza

Apple Store in Ginza, before the launching of iPad. If not the store will be much more crowded.

Midtown Roppongi

Inside Midtown in Roppongi. Just like the reflection, make it an interesting symmetrical view.

Easy to tell right? They all have been shot from the same angle - 90 degree form the top. Ya, is that simple!! You know what make photography interesting? Is the power of us, the photographer to present a scene in different viewpoint. How many of us will spent time looking down on something? fairly few. So present your photos, not each of them but once in a while, and that will sure attract a lot of attention. :)

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