Tuesday 6 July 2010


Another busy week, and things will get a lot more messy for the coming weeks, until I can find a great solution for my research. ~(;_;)/〜〜〜

So trapped in my room, all I can do to free myself from the mess - is keep doing what I enjoy the most even in limited time and space :-)

Another try on white-seamless. This time with something more adorable and tasty.
One SB-600 stuck in a softbox pointing right above the subject. And the speed light is trigle by my D300 wirelessly, on manual mode, shutter speed at 1/100 so that some ambient light from my ceiling will help whitening up the background. Aperture is set at f-13 with the strobe's power set at 1/8 if my memory serve me right. Shot at RAW, some basic cleaning, color correction and sharpening in Photoshop, and here is the result :

Cherry (さくらんぼ ). One of my favorite fruits in Japan, depends on the size and sweetness, the price can be a lot different from a few hundred to a few thousands. The one on the picture is the cheapest I can find in the local supermarket :p. "Cheery" also happend to be the title of two of my favorite song, C.H.E.R.R.Y - YUI and さくらんぼ - 大塚愛. Enjoy the song!!

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