Sunday 13 February 2011

Little Snow White

It snowed heavily here last 2 days. I woke up looking at a city covered in white. A scenery haven't been seen for the past 3 years in Osaka.

The snow has remind me of one photo that I always wanted to share.

Snow White

A pretty little girl I bump into on my trip to Koyasan (高野山) last year. Simple and pretty!

Actually this photo is heavily cropped, from the original photo below. I wish I'll have a better lens with me that time. But what can a poor photographer do? When you see a scene coming and without a proper gear? Just shoot it. I mean, photo means to capture the moment. Not about the gear.

Have a nice Sunday!!

1 comment:

  1. OMG Bi Hong I love this photo! Even though it's heavily cropped but you got the mood just right! And the expression on the girl's face says it all!


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