Sunday, 6 September 2009

Flying again Tonight

I will be leaving Japan again tonight. This time to Italy. Not for travel but to attend a summer school in University of Bologna about Italian Design for 3 weeks. It cost a lot to make this trip happen, hopefully it will turn out to be a worthy one, to learn something new, and to make some new friends.

Class start from 9 to 6 Monday to Saturday including trip to museum and factory. So basically we only have not more than 2 free days. So travelling around Italy will be impossible. Anyway, will make full use of the time there and make the journey as memorable as possible.

I won’t be able to update this blog for the coming 3 weeks, hopefully will be able to update my facebook and twitter account as often as possible. Looking forward for my next update with some nice photo of Italy :)

Entry will be boring without graphic. So, a map showing my route to Italy.


For more information about the summer school that I’m going to attend, click the link here.   

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