Saturday 26 June 2010

Playing with light : Fruit & Vege

Is another Saturday, is another rainy day. I'm just too lazy to work on anything. Anything but playing with light. Has been following some FREE & LIVE online classes from CreativeLive recently. And one of them is from Zack Arias, about studio lighting and shooting on white seamless. So, let's try out something new that I had learnt from that class.

I've no pretty model and no proper equipments. The workaround? Scaling down. I went to the kitchen and grab whatever I can find sitting fresh in the fridge.

First, white seamless. Setting up some white paper and bed sheet as the background. With only one SB-600, I can only light-up the main object, so I let the ceiling light on and try my luck if I can get a clean white background. I got something close, but still lack about 1/2 stop of light for the background to turn pure white. At the end, I need to go into photoshop to clean the image up a bit. And here you go. Banana on white.

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After the first image, I changed my mind. With one light, I want to go for more dramatic image. I changed the background to black, and some fine tuning on the exposure. I got another one, this time banana on black. Straight out of the camera.

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Satisfied with the result, I went on shooting with the same setting and change the subject to tomatos and peas.

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Playing with food was fun. I definitely hope that one day I will have the chance to build up my own full scale studio and taking picture on real model. By the time, food, and DIY softbox will be my friend. And I'm going to keep shooting!!

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